How To Order
Section 1) Compound Strings:
PLEASE NOTE: If the following information seems overwhelming please simply text me @ 604-819-9932 or e-mail:
We will simply discuss what you would like. Thank you so much and have a great day!
Note: To read Section 2), Traditional Strings scroll down the page, thank you.
At PIN IT Custom Bowstrings I do my very best to build the highest quality
strings. Section 1 indicates how to order compound strings and Section 2 indicates how to order traditional strings. Please CONTACT me once the following information is obtained regarding your string order.
1) Bow Make
2) Bow Model
3) String Length
The above information may be found on the bow limbs as seen in the photo. In this example the Bow Make is Bowtech, the Model is Fanatic 3.0 SD and the String Length is 56 19/64. The more information that can be provided is helpful. The example also states the cable length of 40 21/32.
4) String Colours
In addition to the string colour chart seen below a full colour photo page of all string spools c:an be found by clicking on the following page link:
Important note! The colour "tan" as indicated by BCY actually appears as a medium brown colour. For a "tan" colour, "buckskin" or "sand" is recommended. Click on the link below to see actual photographs of the coloured spools.
BCY 452X Colour Chart
Heading 4
The above photo shows a 2 colour combination of flo. orange and flo. yellow.
5) Serving Colours - Determine the following serving colours:
A) BCY Halo end loop serving colour.
The above photo shows a flo. orange end loop serving colour.
The following BCY Halo colours are available for end loop serving:
Red Blue Flo. Green
Black Flo. Orange Pink White
B) BCY Halo cam serving colour.
The above photo shows a flo. orange cam loop serving colour.
The following BCY Halo colours are available for cam serving:
White Black
C) BCY Powergrip center serving colour.
The above photo shows a string stop and center serving colour of flo. orange.
The following BCY Powergrip colours are available for center serving:
Black Blue Flo. green Tan
Flo. orange Pink Red White
6) Speed nocks with shrink tubing are installed to factory specifications on applicable bows only if specs are available or exact locations are provided.
The photo shows white PIN IT speed nocks with black lettering. They are also available black with white lettering.
Double check you have the following information:
1) Bow Make
2) Bow Model
3) String Length
4) BCY 452X String Colours
5A) BCY Halo End Loop Serving Colour
B) BCY Halo Cam Serving Colour
C) BCY Powergrip Serving Colour
6) If available, Speed Nocks with Black or White PIN IT coverings
Please fill out the following information and I will respond as soon as possible to discuss your order. Thank you.
Section 2) Traditional Strings:
1) Bow Type: Recurve or Longbow
The traditional bowstrings are of the endless loop design and prestretched at approximately 300lbs tension for a 24 hour period.
2) Length of Bow/String
The above information may be found on the bow limbs as seen in the photo to the right. The photo states a bow length of 66 inches.
If the bow length is not legible the string can be removed and measured using the following method: